The Path of the Wise Woman Retreat

The Path of the Wise Woman is about awakening our natural state of being and remembering the ancient wisdom dancing in our veins.
Every woman is a sacred woman, every woman has access within to sacred teachings. The purpose of this journey is to remember this together.
We will open our hands, hearts and minds to welcome the divine light into our lives, to bring our relationships to its higher state of harmony, to dance with the moon within our wombs, to expand our wisdom to every aspect, to every detail of our lives.
We will dance and sing together the understanding that everything is sacred, that our feminine nature is about embracing.

The Moon dance

In this journey we will deeply explore the connection of every aspect of our lives and the moon dance. Every moon phase has its enlighten and dark feminine arquetypes and seven main aspects of our lives. We will learn to recognize the phases of our own personal cycle and the basic tools to navigate our own waters, liberating emotions, expanding understandings and revealing some mysteries of the body and soul.
We will also remember the meaning of evolutionary seven year cycles and its gates into new stages of our spiritual awakening.

Goddess Sweat Lodge
The retreat also includes the direct experience of entering mother earth´s womb through the Temazcal. This ceremony unifies every element as a multiple key to open our hearts ,minds, bodies and souls to awakening and ancient memory.